
The Nobel Preschool programmes are inspired by the integration of the worldwide recognized Reggio Emilia Approach developed in Italy and the Multiple Intelligences theory investigated by Dr. Howard Gardner from Harvard University.

The characteristics of The Multiple Intelligences Theory

Dr. Howard Gardner

1. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) ─

The understanding and communication ability using languages and text.

2. Logic-mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reason Smart) ─

The ability to apply numeracy, reasoning and categorizing skills.

3. Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) ─

Be accurate in managing the spatial concepts such as lines, shapes, distance between objects, etc.

4. Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) ─

The ability to differentiate, appreciate, express and create music.

5. Bodily-kinestic Intelligence (Body Smart) ─

Be strong in using motions, actions and body languages to express own feelings.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) ─

The ability to manage relationship between people, including the sensitivity in recognising people’s reaction and feelings, and in social communication.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self-smart) ─

The ability to maintain self-reflection in order to understand own emotions, attitudes and goals.

8. Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart) ─

The ability to explore and appreciate plants, animals and others in the nature.

The Hundred Languages of Childhood

The child is made of one hundred.
The child has….
A hundred languages
A hundred hands
A hundred thoughts
A hundred ways of thinking
Of playing, of speaking.
A hundred always a hundred
Ways of listening of marveling of loving
A hundred joys – For singing and understanding
A hundred worlds – To discover
A hundred worlds – To invent
A hundred worlds – To dream
The child has a hundred languages
(and a hundred hundred hundred more)
But they steal ninety-nine.

The school and the culture
Separate the head from the body.
They tell the child:
To think without hands
To do without head
To listen and not to speak
To understand without joy
To love and to marvel

Only at Easter and Christmas
They tell the child:
To discover the world already there
And of the hundred
They steal ninety-nine.
They tell the child:
That work and play
Reality and fantasy
Science and imagination
Sky and earth
Reason and dream
Are things
That do not belong together
And thus they tell the child
That the hundred is not there
The child says: NO WAY the hundred is there
Loris Malaguzzi
Founder of the Reggio Approach

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