Founder’s Message

創辦人趙教授The Founder and school supervisor of HK Nobel Preschool, Prof. Alice Chiu (BBS., JP.) also known as Mrs. Chiu Tsang Hok Wan, is a thriving entrepreneur, a devoted educator and a tireless fund-raiser in Hong Kong and the Mainland China. Prof. Chiu is also the founder of Parkview International Preschool (established in 1989) and Hong Kong Preschool (established in 1997). She was also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital from 1987-1988 and is now the Chairman of the School Management Committee of Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School. Prof. Chiu is the Managing Director of the Henyep (Chengdu) Enterprise Ltd. and the Director of the Henyep Group, one of the most established financial services and investment management companies in Hong Kong. She founded the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation in 1994, which has helped over 300 organizations both in Hong Kong and the Mainland China, and is an active supporter of local education development.

Mrs. Chiu’s words:

Stepping into preschool is going to be one of the most memorable stages in the lives of both parents and children. As the founder of Parkview International Preschool – PIPS (established in 1989), Hong Kong Preschool (established in 1997) and Nobel Preschool, I truly understand the importance of balancing quality education with an enjoyable learning environment that will empower our students in a unique way. According to my own experience, everyone has his or her own capabilities and the role of a good educator should be to stimulate every child to thereby lead them to the discovery of their potential talents and passion without being excessive. On top of that, a loving and caring environment will help fortify positive attitude and confidence which are both crucial in the development stages of the early childhood. I feel positive that every child starting at Nobel Preschool will develop a curiosity for learning and discover their passion and interests in life as well as develop characters of successful, confident and responsible young individuals. I sincerely look forward to seeing the graduates of Nobel Preschool to becoming the future pillar and leaders of our society.

Prof. Chiu Tsang Hok Wan, BBS., JP


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