Nobel’s Unique Model

The Learning-together Concept

Teachers’ long-term commitment to enhancing their understanding of children and parents’ ongoing partnership are at the crux of the Nobel’s programmes. Through active cooperation and communication, teachers and parents learn about the how their young children’s multiple intelligence get stimulated and mature through the Nobel’s environment. Children, parents and teachers are encouraged to learn together and eventually achieve a learning organization.

Play and children

Play is children’s work. Play is also the source of fun, challenge and confidence in early childhood. Where appropriate play will be child directed and interest based. The Nobel’s play-based and structured learning environment helps stimulating children’s love and passion in learning and exploration.

The immersion of languages

Language immersion at Nobel is having the English as second language (ESL) learners frequently exposed to the designed bilingual environment where they can freely use languages as the tool to communicate their needs and wants spontaneously and creatively. The local Chinese and Native English Teacher (NET) in each classroom will work together to plan for the everyday programme and respond to each learner’s individual learning style by bringing Chinese and English together in a harmonious manner.

The multiple intelligences in our brain

Understanding children’s learning style is important. According to Dr. Howard Gardner, human intelligence includes linguistic intelligence (word smart), logical-mathematical intelligence (number/reason smart), spatial intelligence (picture smart), bodily-kinestic intelligence (body smart), musical intelligence (music smart), interpersonal intelligence (people smart), intrapersonal intelligence (self-smart), naturalist intelligence (nature smart) and existential intelligence (philosophically smart). Teachers at Nobel are well-trained and committed to work with parents to identify children’s unique gifts. By providing specific training, children at Nobel are given diverse opportunities to explore and possess each distinct intelligence and eventually learn at their best way.

Sports and Arts Development

Aside from the importance of moral values and academia, Nobel Preschool places great emphasis in a child’s sports and art development. By implementing interactive games and competitions for training, not only will the physical body be developed, but self-confidence and the courage to express themselves will also be greatly enhance; By combining art and music, children can learn to associate sounds with words, which also aids to improve memory. To give an example, the nursery rhyme, “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round” allows children to better grasp how a bus operates; recitation training and competition help make children more courageous when meeting unfamiliar faces, improve speaking skills and presentation skills; while painting makes children more creative so that we can better son Xie child heart small universe.

The hundred languages of children

Children are active participants in creating their own knowledge. They are able to learn through experiences of touching, moving, listening, seeing and hearing. They should be given freedom and opportunities at Nobel to display endless ways in expressing themselves

The Environment Learning Method

TThe Nobel Campus make use of a rich environment to stimulate students’ learning. No matter which corner of the campus the students walk pass, they can be connected with the learning environment that is constructed collaboratively by teachers and students. The fully utilized learning space can activate learners’ exploration and proactive attitude for learning through interaction.

The Project-based Learning Method

Nobel encourages children to learn through team-work. The Project-based Learning (PBL) method is an in-depth learning process that encourage learners to learn in a group by brainstorming ideas, asking a lot of questions, investigating the problems, reflecting upon the current knowledge and hence developing the problem-solving and decision-making strategies.

The Green Campus

Nobel advocates for the environmental friendly campus. Students and teachers at Nobel are trained to care for the world’s resources. By moving through natural sunlight and classrooms operated by solar-energy, everyone on campus can learn how to improve energy efficiency, conserve and recycle resources and maintain a quality sustainable life.

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